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Work-Life Flexibity (WLF) is unique for each person, given their role, goals and personal needs. While it can take many forms, it's typically some type of occasional or formal arrangement.


Occasional Flex is when you might work from home next Tuesday because you have a doctor's  appointment in the afternoon, or you want to go to your child's school play in the morning. Occasional Flex usually just requires ageement with your manager for that specific situation.


The need for a more ongoing change in how, when, where or how much you work often requires a Formal Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA), such as:


   FLEXTIME -- starting and leaving work earlier or later than usual


   COMPRESSED SCHEDULE -- working your full-time job in fewer, but longer days


    TELEWORK OR TELECOMMUTING -- working from home or another location


    REDUCED SCHEDULE -- working less than full-time


Often it turns out that some combination of the various options is what works best. And every option will not work in every job. It's also important to realize that various options can have special considerations, such as reduced pay and benefits; or limited visibility with managers, co-workers and/or customers. Your employer may have a process for requesting a formal, ongoing FWA. One of the most challenging aspects is figuring out what would work for your situation--and how to translate that into something your management can support.


Work-Life Flexibility (WLF) Coaching is designed to provide personalized solutions to complex work and life challenges, using a proven step-by-step process to provide the knowledge and tools needed to achieve the work-life flexibility you want.








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